22 Nov di
UT SensUs team recruitment »

We are looking for motivated students to join the UT at the SensUs biosensing competition.

This is organized by the Technical University of Eindhoven and the theme of SensUs 2023 is “Traumatic Brain Injury”.

The competition is open for all BSc and MSc students. We are specifically targeting master students as core team members and final year bachelor students.

The competition offers a holistic view on medical device innovations, including biosensor design, implementation and demonstration in combination with clinical translation and business development. This means we need students from multiple disciplines including nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, technical medicine, electrical engineering, embedded systems, applied physics, health sciences, industrial design, international business and computer science.

Participating students learn a wide range of skills such as scientific, entrepreneurial, communication and networking. The competition takes place in Eindhoven during the last week of August 2023, where the team will demonstrate their biosensor on-site, pitch their business plan and engage with other teams and industrial partners. The students get exposed to a great industrial and academic network.

The students receive up to 15ECTS credits (in coordination with their study programmes), and do this part time (typically from December-January until the competition in summer 2023).

Deadline to apply: 25th of November.

For further info, do not hesitate to contact us (Pep – j.canyellespericas@utwente.nl ). Applications also to the same email.

10 Nov do
IAPC zoekt een bestuurder »

Stichting Inter-Actief Personal Computing zoekt een nieuwe part-time bestuurder!

Ben jij geïnteresseerd in het draaien van een computer winkel, of heb je interesse in computers in het algemeen? Stuur dan een mailtje naar info@iapc.nl. Kijk voor meer informatie over IAPC op iapc.utwente.nl!

19 Okt wo
De nieuwe SummerSounds committee »

Vandaag is de commissie voor de 2e editie van SummerSounds gevormd! Zij gaan hard aan de slag om op 7 juli 2023 een fantastisch eindejaarsfeest neer te zetten!

Pim Mulder - Voorzitter & Artiesten

Justin Adriani - Secretaris & Catering

Barry ter Heegde - Penningmeester

Bram van Dartel - Interne & Externe Partners

Carlijn Meijerink - Logistiek

Koen de Jong - Techniek & Promotie

Quirijn Hoenink - Bestuursverantwoordelijke

SummerSounds2023 Van links naar rechts: Quirijn, Carlijn, Barry Pim, Justin, Bram en Koen

26 Sep ma
Looking for a minutes taker [paid] »

A message from the PC-CS:

The Programme Committee of Computer Science is looking for a minutes maker for their meetings.

The meetings are every month from September up to and including July from 10.45 AM to 12.45 PM. The meetings will be in English and the minutes will also be in English. You must be present at every meeting and be able to start as soon as possible.

This is a paid role and you will be compensated for your work.

If you are interested or if you have any questions, please send an email to boz-cs@utwente.nl

06 Sep di
Het 44e bestuur der I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief »

Het 44e bestuur der I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief is gechargeerd!

Op de ALV van 6 september 2022 heeft het 43e bestuur plaatsgemaakt voor haar opvolgers. Het 44e bestuur is als volgt gechargeerd:

  • Voorzitter - Oliver Davies
  • Secretaris - Maarten Meijer
  • Penningmeester - Jochem Bleeker
  • Functionaris interne betrekkingen - Quirijn Hoenink
  • Functionaris externe betrekkingen - Wout Velthuis
  • Functionaris onderwijs - Niels Rotmensen
  • Vicevoorzitter - Mariska Frelier

Board 44 Van links naar rechts: Niels, Quirijn, Maarten, Oliver, Jochem, Wout, Mariska

09 Jun do
Vacancy student assessor »

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) is looking for a new student assessor as of Sept 1, 2022 to be part of the faculty board.

Do you want to defend the interests of all students of the faculty for one year? Do you want to gain experience in management and governance and learn about the ins and outs of the faculty and the university? Do you want to build up a professional network, both inside and outside of the faculty? Apply for the position of student assessor! The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) is looking for a new student assessor as of September 1, 2022 to be part of the faculty board.

What does the student assessor do?

Within the Faculty Board, the Student Assessor represents a student perspective. The Student Assessor has an advisory role in the board, is expected to actively attend board meetings, and is an important channel for enhancing its interaction with the student population. Depending on personal interest and skills, the Student Assessor can take on specific tasks in consultation with the Faculty Board. Furthermore, the accessibility of the Student Assessor enables the Student Assessor to assist on various topics like UT strategy days, internationalisation, etc. The Student Assessor can also support the Office for Educational Support, as well as take part in Institutional Review Quality Assurance procedures. The function of a Student Assessor contains proactive and reactive components. The proactive components include attending all meetings of the Faculty Board, and the Faculty Council, suggesting agenda topics for the board meetings, actively advising on student related topics and keeping in touch with various study bodies. The reactive component includes the representative role of the Student Assessor, where they provide the student perspective e.g. at UT strategy days. Depending on personal interest and skills, the Student Assessor can take on specific tasks in consultation with the Faculty Board,

For whom?

We are looking for an enthusiastic student who:

  • Studies at one of our faculty’s bachelor or master programs;

  • Is able to maintain relationships with various stakeholders within the faculty, and university. These include the study associations, assessors from other faculties, study advisors, etc.

  • Wants to defend the interest of the faculty’s students for one year;

  • Knows what’s on the students’ minds and is able to advise the board on this;

  • Is interested in education, student affairs and administrative processes;

  • Is communicative and likes to share his/her opinion with others;

  • Has a good sense of integrity and can properly deal with confidential information;


The appointment as a student assessor runs from September 1, 2022 to October 1, 2023. During this period, you will need to spend around 8 hours per week to fulfill all the student assessor tasks. Most of these hours can be used/planned flexibly. For your work as a student assessor, you receive a fixed compensation of € 330 net per month.


For more information or questions you can contact the current student assessor, Grace Iroagalachi via g.c.iroagalachi@student.utwente.nl Send your CV and accompanying letter of motivation to the student members of the EEMCS faculty council via eemcs-facultycouncil@utwente.nl no later than 27 June 2022. The student members of the faculty council will nominate suitable candidates. The faculty board selects the new student assessor in June and asks the Executive Board of the UT to appoint the assessor

25 Mei wo
De nieuwe Symposium Commissie! »

Vandaag is de nieuwe Symposium Commissie gevormd! Met trots presenteren wij de 6 leden die volgend jaar het Symposium zullen organiseren!


  • Krisiyan Dimitrov - Voorzitter
  • Duru Kocak - Secretaris & Website
  • Wander Stribos - Penningmeester
  • Tessa van Belois - Sprekers & Promotie
  • Hein Huijskes - Externe betrekkingen
  • Maarten Marcusse - Logistiek

10 Mei di
Looking for a Minutes taker [paid] »

A message from the BITOC (program committee BIT):

We are looking for a student who is willing to make minutes of the meetings of the Programme Committee BIT (BITOC).

For this activity we are looking for a student who is concerned, and, preferably, who has some experience in making (English) minutes, and is registered as BIT -student (bachelor or master). The minutes secretary cannot be a member of the BITOC.

There are 7-8 meetings per year. The meetings take place on Thursday afternoon from 12.45 until approximately 14.30 hr. The minutes secretary will receive a compensation. He/she will have a UT Flex appointment and can claim expenses for worked hours.

In case you have any questions about this position you can contact the chairman Luis Ferreira Pires or the undersigned email.

In case you are interested, please send your application at the latest May 23, 2022 to boz-bit@utwente.nl.

21 Apr do
IDEA winnaar »

Een paar weken geleden vond de interne competitie van de jaarlijkse lerarenprijzen plaats.

En we hebben een winnaar!

Met een overweldigende hoeveelheid stemmen en veel liefdevolle woorden van studenten heeft hij gewonnen!

Wallace Corbo Ugulino!

Wij feliciteren hem en wensen hem veel succes in de universiteit brede competitie!

05 Apr di
Kandidaat-bestuur collegejaar 2022/2023 bekend »

Het kandidaat-bestuur voor het volgende collegejaar is bekend!

De volgende mensen willen vanaf september het huidige bestuur opvolgen:

  • Voorzitter - Oliver Davies
  • Secretaris - Maarten Meijer
  • Penningmeester - Jochem Bleeker
  • Interne betrekkingen - Quirijn Hoenink
  • Externe betrekkingen - Wout Velthuis
  • Onderwijs - Niels Rotmensen
  • Vicevoorzitter- Mariska Frelier

Ze zijn bereikbaar op cb2223@inter-actief.net.


v.l.n.r. Niels, Quirijn, Maarten, Oliver, Jochem, Wout, Mariska

01 Apr vr
[1 april] Eerste grote uitgave winstplan »

Vandaag heeft Inter-Actief haar eerste grote aankoop gedaan vanuit het nieuwe winstplan. We kijken uit naar de vele varierende mogelijkheden van ons nieuwe bezit!

Door het gebrek aan activiteiten en andere uitgaven tijdens de coronacrisis heeft Inter-Actief een redelijke winst opgebouwd. Zoals besproken op de laatste algemene ledenvergadering zal de vereniging daarom pogen om het vermogen af te bouwen met meerdere grote uitgaven. Verdere plannen zullen nog worden uitgewerkt op o.a. de inputsessie van aankomende woensdag.

Echter staat het bestuur ook in zijn recht om zulke uitgaven te maken buiten het strategisch plan van de inputsessie om. Zo werd er afgelopen week een enorm voordelige aanbieding voorgeschoten, welke niet te missen valt. Hierbij presenteren wij dan ook trots waar wij het eerste deel van de winst aan hebben mogen uitgeven:

Foto van de nieuwe bierfiets

15 Mrt di
Kamer gesloten op 16 maart i.v.m. Zephyrus »

Aankomende woensdag 16 maart vindt Symposium Zephyrus plaats in Kinepolis in Enschede. Hierdoor is de verenigingskamer helaas de hele dag gesloten.

Op 17 maart vanaf 9 uur is de kamer weer open voor je vragen, of als je even wat te eten wilt halen.

Eerste Vorige 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Volgende Laatste